Be sure to read the terms below before you submit a photo to the Laughter Project.
Note: you can also post a photograph to the Facebook page!
By sending the me a photograph for the Laughter Project, you agree to the following terms:
The photo you send to me here or on the Laughter project Facebook page is rightfully owned by you, and you either took the photo yourself, or have express permission to distribute it. Your photo does not contain any image or design, in part or in full, that is copyrighted or protected by any other legal agreement with any third party. Should I choose your photo as a candidate for a painting, you allow me to duplicate your image in paint, and affirm that I own all rights to the painting, including but not limited to all rights defined by 17 U.S.C. section 106. The submitter of a photo will have the first chance to purchase the painting if desired. Paintings not purchased will remain in my possession, and I retain all rights to sell, duplicate in any form, exhibit, or to keep the paintings in my collection as I see fit. Should you decide to purchase the painting, I will make a duplicate scan or photograph before delivery and will retain all rights to sell, duplicate in any form, or exhibit the copy of the original painting as I see fit. There is no guarantee that all photos submitted will be painted.