Laughter Project

The Laughter Project continues.

I will be adding new paintings occasionally. Scroll down to the end to see the latest Laughter paintings.

    -Giggle, chuckle, crack up, snicker, guffaw…. you know, LAUGH!

I recently bought 100 9″x12″ canvas panels, i.e. real board covered with 7 oz. canvas. Good price and great quality. So what to do with them? I know that everyone likes to be happy, enjoys merriment, and is all shiny after a good laugh. “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22)

So why not a series on laughter?

I’ll get started by painting my fun and funny family. But I would like you to participate as well. Would you be willing to send me your favorite photos of laughter to round out the hundred?

I hope to paint at least one submitted photo per week till I reach 100. You will have the option to purchase your laughter painting. The price for one 9″x12″ is $100, plus S&H when applicable. A percentage of sales will go to one of several ministries and causes that I already support.

Join the Laughter Project Facebook page and share this with your friends! –

Yes, this was the Laughter Project which is now complete. Thanks to all who participated!